The Technical Regulations on space operations include requirements that require tools and methods for the operator to demonstrate their compliance and adherence to quantitative values.
With this in mind, CNES has developed appropriate tools and methods that it continues to maintain and develop. As well as providing them to operators, these tools and methods are also used by FSOA Office inspectors to check compliance with the Technical Regulations.
These tools can be downloaded from:
Note that the distribution of ELECTRA software is limited to operators subject to the FSOA: a prior request is required.
The software enables compliance with the articles of the law relating to the Technical Regulation in force:
The STELA (Semi-analytic Tool for End of Life Analysis) software is an orbit propagator based on a method of semi-analytic integration of orbital parameters. It enables efficient long-term propagation of LEO, GEO and GTO orbits, calculation of their atmospheric re-entry times and/or verification of non-penetration into protected zones.
The DEBRISK software is a tool for assessing the survivability of fragments of a space object re-entering the Earth’s atmosphere, using an object-oriented approach. This approach assumes that the spacecraft can be modelled as a set of several interdependent objects modelled as simple shapes. The user of the tool must therefore first transpose (“fragment”) the real structure of the satellite into basic shapes.
The ELECTRA launch and re-entry safety analysis software is used to estimate the risk of casualties on the ground due to the fall-back of fragments from a space object in the event of launch failures or spacecraft re-entry.