Technical Regulations


Objectives of the Technical Regulations (RT) Order

The Technical Regulations (RT) are proposed by CNES to the French Ministry of Space, with the following aims:

  • To establish the technical requirements to be met by any operator wishing to obtain authorisation to conduct a space operation.
  • To establish a regulatory framework to ensure the safety and long-term viability of space activities, including the non-proliferation of orbital debris, the safety of people and property, and the protection of public health and the environment.
  • To define the obligations involved in conducting a space operation.

The Technical Regulations cover all aspects and phases of a space operation, from the launch of an object to its atmospheric re-entry. It must be considered during the design phase of the space object, and implemented throughout in-orbit operations. Compliance with these requirements should help to establish a regulatory framework conducive to the sustainable exploitation of space without distortion of competition.

The defined requirements are inspired by and consistent with a number of recommendations, best practices and standards issued by the international community to limit the debris footprint of new space systems (e.g. ISO standards, including 24113, IADC guidelines, etc.).

In parallel with the Technical Regulations, an order relating to the composition of the authorisation application (Order of 23 February 2022) defines the documentation required for the CNES FSOA Offices to issue a technical opinion on the authorisation or licence application.


    Overview of the requirements of the Technical Regulations for Orbital Systems

    The purpose of this section is to provide an overview of the requirements of the Technical Regulations for Orbital Systems. For the exact wording of the requirements of the Technical Regulations, refer to the Order of 31 March 2011.


    Quality requirements



    Conduct of Operations



    Limitation of space debris during operation



    Managing the risk of generating debris through collision


    Ensuring the sustainability of space


    Protecting people and the environment



    On-Orbit Servicing and Constellations